
The Reformist

Write for Us!

The Reformist wishes to provide writers a platform to reach a wide audience. A key milestone in that journey is the ability to platform diverse views on issues of public debate. A buffet of opinions are critical for developing solutions that satisfy the palate of all impacted stakeholders. Our editorial team is committed to adding flavours to this buffet by offering The Reformist as platform for writers. Writers submitting their drafts to the Reformist will receive constant support from our Editorial Board upto publication. We hope to woo writers holding an opinion that is hiding in plain sight but has been surprisingly missed or ignored. We hope that The Reformist becomes a stepping stone in your journey to becoming noted commentators on India’s public discourse.

If you are interested in writing for us, please send your article to us on

We solicit two types of articles:

Briefs: 450-750 words

Feature articles: 1200-1500 words

Basic Guidelines

  1. Submissions should be made in the font Times New Roman and should adhere to a font size of 12
  2. The articles must be submitted in MS-Word format
  3. The Reformist encourages the use of British English
  4. The use of hyperlinks to attribute sources is mandatory
  5. The use of double quotes when quoting an author’s work, example [Huntington argues, “......”] is strongly recommended
  6. Since our readers also include college students and non-field enthusiasts, we encourage our writers to avoid the use of jargons wherever possible. If use of specific terms cannot be avoided, please use a hyperlink to explain the word. Eg: Prisoner’s Dilemma
  7. Contributors are requested to share a brief outline of their argument and a brief word about themselves along with their submissions
  8. A delay in response from our end only means that we have not had the chance to review your article. If you do not hear from us within a week, please feel free to write to us again.